SLC Questions

Competitors/Teams that place in the top 3 of their respective competition during their regional conference become eligible to compete at the SLC.

The SLC Winners List will be posted to the Florida HOSA website after the SLC.

Family is welcome at Florida HOSA’s SLC!  The Local Chapter Advisor simply has to register them for SLC through the Global/National HOSA on-line system before the registration deadline.

Every school is allowed to bring one Courtesy Corps member to SLC. 

Yes, Florida HOSA requires that all competitors have a photo ID to show prior to competing.

If you do not have a photo ID, you can fill out the second page in this PDF: https://hosa.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/HOSA-APPENDIX-G-21-July26.pdf

If this is filled out correctly, the page will be able to substitute for not having a photo ID.

General Questions

Affiliation is the process of “affiliating” the student with Global/National and Florida HOSA – taking students and making them HOSA members. 

Registration is the process of “registering” members for a HOSA Conference – letting conference organizers know who is attending and what the member will be doing/entered in.

Members may compete in only one competitive event total – and/or as many Recognition Category events as they would like.

While the official affiliation deadline is pretty late into the school year, only affiliated members are able to participate in Conferences. 

Thus, the deadline to affiliate students is before your Regional Conference registration closes (mid-October is a good target date).  If you affiliate after the registration closes, then your students will not be able to compete at all for that school year.

If a member decides not to compete, the member must be affiliated before January 1st.

Global/National and State dues are both sent to the address in Texas at the top of your invoice.

Go to the bottom of this page: https://www.flhosa.org/state-officers/

Read all of the attached literature there for a clear answer.

It’s rather simple!

Just follow the 4 step process on this page: https://www.flhosa.org/resourcespublications/starting-a-chapter/

The Chapter Advisor will register Affiliated members for a conference at: apps.hosa.org

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