New Advisor Setup

Charter Setup

An email will be sent to the new Charter Advisor that will have information on how to login to the Global Hosa system.

In the On-boarding email a Charter Agreement will be attached. Please fill that out and email it back to us.

A HOSA chapter must have:

  • At least five affiliated students
  • An affiliated Chapter Advisor (you!)

Start of the Year

The local HOSA chapter typically kicks off the year with an organizational meeting soon after school begins in August. At this meeting, you can guide prospective members to the Global/National HOSA website ( and the Florida HOSA website ( Additionally, it’s a great opportunity to discuss potential community projects, such as the HOSA Service Project, and to brainstorm fundraising ideas!

In some chapters, officers may be elected at this time, though this can also be postponed until the next meeting, where candidates can give brief campaign speeches (1-2 minutes) to help develop leadership and speaking skills. Some chapters prefer to elect their officers at the end of the school year to ensure they’re ready when classes start in August.

Be sure to discuss the competitive events program. A full list of events is available on the Global/National HOSA website (, where students can download guidelines for each event to prepare for the regional conference. These guidelines cover event details, dress code, preparation tips, and judging criteria, with updates posted each September. Members can compete in one competitive event and multiple “Recognition” Category events. For help selecting an event, use this tool: What Event is Right for You?

Affiliation & Dues

At the first meeting, provide membership information and set a deadline for dues submission. Members planning to compete must be affiliated before the regional conference registration closes, ideally by the end of October. Non-competing members should affiliate by January 1st. Note that all memberships expire on June 30th, regardless of when members join during the school year.

After collecting dues, enter members’ names into the Affiliation System on the Global HOSA website using your Charter Number and password. Be sure to use each student’s personal email address, not their school or your email address. Once a name is entered, it can’t be removed, so ensure dues are paid before adding members. You can log in multiple times to add names, but remember to print a new invoice each time and send the dues to the Global HOSA Office.
Here is a link to the Global HOSA system:

Florida HOSA State Membership dues are $20 per person, and Global/National HOSA dues are $10 per person, totaling $30 per member. There may also be a Regional due, which your Regional Advisors can confirm.

On the Main Menu, you can print an invoice using the “Account Statement” button. Give the invoice to your school’s bookkeeper to issue a check to “HOSA-Future Health Professionals” and send it to their office in Southlake, Texas. The mailing address is on the invoice.

The Global HOSA Office will forward State Dues to Florida HOSA. So don’t worry about those. However, any Regional Dues or Regional Conference Registration Fees should be sent directly to the Regional Advisor.

Registering for Competitions


When registering members for conferences, the Chapter Advisor should use HOSA’s online system. Select the conference tile under “Conferences” on the Main Menu. Click the red “+” sign to view affiliated members and register them by selecting the “Register” button next to their names. Enter the required details, check for any options using the “Add Options/Activities” button, and register members for competitive events. Note that members can only compete in one event, and for the State Leadership Conference (SLC), they must have placed in the top 3 at the Regional Conference.

Make sure you hit “Save” to finish registering a member!

For team events, when registering the first member, leave the “Select Team Members” box empty since no other teammates are registered yet. Starting with the second teammate, type the first teammate’s name in the box to link them together.

After registering everyone for a conference, go to the “Reports” tab on the Conference Registration Page to generate a “Registration Summary” and a “Current Invoice” for the school’s bookkeeper to issue a check. To find the Regional Conferences Table on the state website, hover over “Conferences” in the red navigation bar and click on “Regional Conferences.” Starting mid-October, check this table every few days for Regional Competitive Events Conference details and registration deadlines. You can also contact Regional Advisors for updates, as they will send out information via email and post dates in the table.

Conference Participation

To compete at the State Leadership Conference (SLC), members must place in the top three of their event at the Regional Competitive Events Conference.

Your Regional Advisors will provide specific details about regional conferences, activities, and any associated fees in an email. Stay in contact with them for updates and information on regional dues and conference fees.

There are fees associated with attending conferences: regional conferences cost differ and an email containing fees for your region will be sent during the on-boarding process. The state conference is $100 per person, and the international conference is $90 per person. Chapter Advisors or chaperones (non-student, 25 years or older) must accompany students to conferences and assist in event management or judging. For state and international conferences, attendees are required to stay at the approved hotel, with room costs approximately $200-$250 per night for 3-4 nights, accommodating up to four people per room. Additional costs include meals and travel.

Chapter fundraising activities help offset conference costs and provide leadership opportunities for members. The requirement to stay at the approved hotel is due to liability insurance and contractual obligations to fill a minimum number of hotel rooms, which, if unmet, could result in significant financial penalties for the organization.

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